In our Preschool 2 class, you will find a busy, yet calm environment with many learning centers set up for the children to easily access. This class loves hands on art, science, sensory, dramatic play and getting messy- your typical preschool activities. The thing that really sets this class apart is the knowledge the teachers have for where the children are developmentally. There is such a huge shift between age 2 and 3. They know that these kiddos are just leaving "toddler-hood" and discovering their language, some real independence, learning to make big decisions and really, turning into little people and leaving their "baby" years behind them. Along with all of these changes comes big emotions and big feelings. These children don't always know how to positively interact with each other! We know this! In all of our classes, we work on teaching the children social skills, but in this class, as it becomes more age appropriate to use words instead of your hands to get what you want, we work through this together.
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